News Event

SEMINAR SHARING MSME BUSINESS SRIBOGA - UNIMMA "MSMEs Answer the Challenges of the Disruption era: Building a Business Advantage"

29 October 2023

PT Sriboga Flour Mill collaborates with the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang (UNIMMA) to hold a seminar and Baking Demo "Sharing MSME Business" with the theme MSMEs Answer the Challenges of the Disruption era: Building a Business Excellence", on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. Located in the Auditorium of UNIMMA Campus 1 Jl. tidar 21, Magersari, South Magelang sub-district, Magelang city. This event was attended by 200 MSME players. This activity is one of PT Sriboga Flour Mill's commitments through the MSME Empowerment Division to establish partnerships with agencies and institutions, both from the government and the private sector in providing education and empowerment to MSME partners, in order to increase knowledge and skills in developing their business, both in terms of product innovation, business management, marketing management and other skills. Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang (UNIMMA) is an educational institution that has a vision to become a superior and dignified university with a mission to practice the Tridharma of Higher Education, develop existing potential and create an effective information system and apply innovation and science for the benefit of society.

This collaboration is a synergy between PT Sriboga Flour Mill and FEB UNIMMA in carrying out joint commitments in the MSME empowerment program and community service programs. Present at this event, PT SRIBOGA FLOUR MILL, Mrs. Rike Sundari, S.Si, MBA, as GM Commercial of PT Sriboga Flour Mill, Panca Indria Pristiawan as Regional Business Manager and Maria Wuri Handayani as Marketing manager and team. While from UNIMMA, Mrs. Dr. Rochiyati Murniningsih, SE, MP as Dean of FEB UNIMMA, Muhdiyanto, S.E., M.Si. as Deputy Dean of UNIMMA, along with his staff. This seminar presented 3 speakers. Namely Dra. Marlina Kurnia, MM, AFEB DUDI Management as well as Management Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business UNIMMA, Naufal Afif, S.A., M.Sc, Accounting Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business UNIMMA, then Irfan Wahyudi who is an MSME Activist, Owner of Bakpia 701, and Director of PT UDSR gave a presentation on "Techniques for Managing Customers, to Increase Business Profits". Not only seminars, to complete the excitement of this event, Chef Bangun from Sriboga gave his best performance in baking demos with innovative recipes and shared tips and tricks with all participants, the majority of whom were wheat-based MSME players.